Are you struggling with your organic chemistry course? Do you get lost attempting to follow reactions and mechanism details only to find yourself engaging in a losing battle of broken bonds and wandering electrons?
Do you try your hardest to follow along during lecture, yet still fall behind? Perhaps your professor is moving too quickly, or you simply fail to understand what he/she is talking about. Perhaps you DO understand the information when you study, but suddenly find yourself overwhelmed when faced with exam/homework questions you’ve never seen before?
Have you considered enlisting the help of a private tutor but find your hectic work/life schedule, or strain on your budget telling you otherwise?
If so, I know exactly how you feel. When I first took organic chemistry, I entered with warnings of nightmarish exams and high anticipation of failure. There were so many reactions to learn and mechanisms to study, that I found I barely had time to breath. I had no idea what I was getting into, had nowhere to turn to for help. After falling hopelessly behind I wound up withdrawing from the course.
When I signed up to take the course again, I vowed to ace it this time around. I wasn’t going to allow this class to lower my GPA. When I took the class again I was also working for the school’s learning center tutoring biology and leading a Supplemental Instruction Program teaching science students how to learn.
Understanding how to learn was the key. This new approach to learning is what made all the difference in my organic chemistry course the second time around. While organic chemistry appears to be a subject composed of hundreds of individual reactions, reagents and concepts to memorize, that is in fact not the case. When approaching the subject with this expectation, the natural reaction is to memorize, memorize, and memorize.
But I realized that when I memorize, I forget. And forgetting concepts and information does not bode well for test taking. And so I studied the material in great detail, looking for similarities and patterns. By identifying the similarities between reactions, and recognizing the patterns of chemical reactivity, I was able to break down a seemingly complex course into its bare bone basics. Basics that made sense based on a foundation of logic and understanding.
And just like that the difficulty associated with organic chemistry diminished. It didn’t become ‘easy’ but it became doable. I began to recognize organic chemistry for the complex and intricate puzzle that it represents. While my classmates found their homework difficult, I found the challenge exciting. When my classmates entered exams in a state of panic, I sat down with determination. And when their exams papers were pulled from their desks mid-problem, I turned my exam in with confidence knowing that I had attempted every single question.
I began working with fellow students and sharing my approach. I showed them how I broke down the material and how to recognize reaction patterns. We studied together for hours with a heavy focus on understanding rather than memorization. We worked through homework problems together, studied for exams together, and single handedly destroyed the grading curve by consistently scoring 20-40 points above the class average.
How would it feel if you had the means to break down the organic chemistry subject material in a similar manner? If you had a means to learn the information with a foundation based on scientific concepts rather than memorizing names of reactions and reagents.
How would your progression through the course change if you were shown the reasoning behind every reaction, so that you can understand the patterns of reactivity. To the point where you find yourself studying reactions rather than memorizing names and products?
Would that save you hours of study? Would that make the course less frustrating? And dare I say, would your organic chemistry course potentially change from a frightening requirement to an enjoyable challenge?
And what if, when you get stuck, or can’t seem to find the patterns or concepts of a question, would it make a difference to your study efforts and sanity if you had the means to ask questions and receive a quick but detailed conceptual response? All without having to chase a busy professor or search for a suitable time and location to meet with your busy study group partners?
If so, I have created the ultimate resource that will change the way you feel about organic chemistry for the duration of your studies
Organic chemistry is a unique and exciting course. Yes it IS difficult, but it can be mastered with the correct approach. My goal with the Study Hall is to provide you with the ultimate learning experience. I want to give you all the tools and resources to learn the information the RIGHT WAY, to develop proper study habits and skills, and to share with you the tricks of UNDERSTANDING so that you actually GET the information rather than resorting to futile memorization
In working with organic chemistry students over the years I have noticed a series of patterns. This includes a list of topics that students find difficult, but more important, an understanding of WHY students struggle with these topics. I’ve also developed and perfected a series of shortcuts, explanations of concepts, and approaches to problems that make sense, are easy to learn, and even easier to apply.
But more importantly, having worked with so many students, I have a general idea of the concepts that are missing and foundations that are required. But working with a handful of students individually limits the amount of information that can be shared. Both by the time constraint of my tutoring schedule, the hectic work/life schedule experienced by students, and monetary limitations that prevent students from scheduling the weekly 5-10 tutoring hours that would be ideal
After all, wouldn’t you learn so much more if you were able to work with a tutor every day for at least 2 hours a day? This would ensure that when you get stuck on a concept, you have the solution right there. When you have questions you get the answers fairly quickly, and when you need to test yourself, you have someone to provide you with practice questions along with detailed step by step solutions and explanations. And best of all, wouldn’t it be ideal if this tutor or resource was available whenever YOU find yourself with free time? Say… the half hour before the kids wake up, the 2 hours after you get off work, or even 1:30 in the morning?
I created the Organic Chemistry Study Hall with all of those concerns in mind. As a member of the Study Hall you will have access to a number of resources that will allow you to learn difficult information as often as needed, and at whatever times best fit your hectic schedule.
This is accomplished in the 3 major components of the Study Hall
Since opening the Study Hall in 2012 I’ve conducted regular live topic-specific hour long review Q&A sessions. The video library contains all these recorded workshop videos, edited for brevity, along with full-color PDF notes.
With over 50 videos and new ones added regularly, you can ‘participate’ in these workshops by selecting your topic from the list, watching as if you were there. Listen as I teach about the topic basics, then listen for the answers given to student questions.
Pause the video when I ask a question while you attempt to draw the reaction, mechanism or product. Watch the video to see if you go the right solution, then listen for the explanation, step by step directions, and additional Q&A.
Trust me, if you have a question, chances are someone asked the same question and the answer is already there and waiting for you.
Find videos ranging all the way from orgo 1 basics to advanced orgo 2 reactions. See video topic list on the right.
Feel good about a topic? Comfortable with the reactions and mechanisms? See how well you’ve mastered the information by diving into the quiz and exam review sessions. This is a newer addition to the study hall with a new quiz/exam review conducted regularly. Listen for the question, attempt the answer, then watch to hear the explanation and solution.
This section includes video solutions to my topic specific quizzes (written by me) and student submitted quizzes and exams at the Orgo 1 and Orgo 2 levels.
I conduct a new live workshop or office hours every first and third week of the month. Topics are requested by students, and range from a teaching Q&A workshop, office hours to ask ANY orgo questions, and Quiz review workshops every time I write a new topic-specific problem set (every other month or so).
Live workshops are conducted using a screen sharing program with a tablet PC. Since they’re online you can log in from any computer/laptop/tablet with a decent internet connection. Watch me draw out problems and step by step mechanisms as you hear me explain logic and concepts along the way. Participate by typing your questions or comments into the chat box throughout the entire session.
Can’t make a session? No problem! Workshops are recorded and posted to the Study Hall library along with the full-color PDF notes from that session.
“But What If I still Have Questions?”
Stuck on a homework problem? Have a question on one of the Study Hall videos?
I realize that tutorials and Q&A videos are not enough. Perhaps you have additional questions that were not asked, or perhaps have questions that simply cannot wait till the next live session.
This is why I created an exclusive Facebook group for the Study Hall community to band together, share goals, and help each other with questions and suggestions.
Unlike your classroom, there is no competition in the Facebook Group. With students NOT competing for grades, everyone is there to help each other and work through problems together.
I personally log on to the Facebook group on a daily basis and typically reply to posted questions within 24-48 hours. HOWEVER if you happen to catch me when I am logged in (which is typically always) you may receive your reply in as little as 5 minutes. I am told I spend too much time on Facebook, but my students don’t complain 🙂
I want you to imagine for a moment, what the Study Hall would mean for your organic chemistry learning experience, exam preparation and overall grades.
How much calmer will you feel, knowing that when you struggle with a topic you can simply log into the membership site and watch a video explaining every aspect in logical detail?
How good will you feel knowing that when you have a question you can simply post it to the members group and expect a detailed answer explaining rather than telling you the information, in just a matter of hours?
And how restful will you feel, no longer losing sleep over this course, knowing that you will approach tomorrows quiz/exam with confidence?
And best of all, how much better can you breathe knowing that you no longer have to hunt down tutors and study groups at inconvenient hours of the day, battle traffic to get there, and juggle between life and learning, knowing that the Study Hall will be there for you when YOU have the time?
You’re absolutely correct, this is a very exclusive program. But before you run off in a panic, let’s take a look at everything you will receive as a member, keeping in mind that I regularly charge my tutoring clients over $100 per hour session
The total value of this program easily adds up to thousands, and that’s just for the first month. If you were to hire a local tutor (or me) to teach you this information you’d be paying 4-figures and more. I regularly charge my tutoring clients $100 per hour for the very same subject material contained in the Study Hall. And with over 50 hours of information you can easily spend $4,500 or more to learn this information
However, I’ve put together a special offer for you today. If you join the Study Hall right now it will be just $99 $79 today, and $99 $79 every additional month for as long as you choose to remain a member. That’s less than the price of a single hour of private tutoring with me.
Perhaps you’re wondering if the Study Hall is right for you. Let me ask you this, can you afford NOT to join the Study Hall? Can you afford to continue struggling with the information?
Do you have the time to waste hours of reading that doesn’t answer your questions, and then waste additional hours working on homework problems when you don’t really understand how and why to derive the correct answers?
Can your overall grade and GPA afford another low score on your next quiz or exam?
Perhaps you’re wondering if you personally will see the same benefits experienced by dozens of previous Study Hall members?
Don’t take my word for it, try it out for yourself
“Using the Organic Chemistry Study Hall was absolutely one of the best decisions I could have possibly made for a better grade. Like most people, I was scared for Orgo and really needed help. The Study Hall was amazing because whenever I didn’t understand an idea, a topic, or even a chapter, I easily found everything I needed to review. Leah explains everything is such a way that related more to me, which definitely helped a lot. The videos are so explicit and Leah dedicated so much time to answering any questions I had. The fact that the Study Hall was so interactive with live topic reviews and other Orgo students answering each others questions was the best and most helpful part. I learned so much more then I did in class and without the Study Hall, I would not have passed Orgo with flying colors. Thanks Leah!!!”
– David – Predental – Hofstra University